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Visit Cavalry Captain Aamodt

Welcome to a home where time has been standing still since the 1920s, when Captain Harald Aamodt and his wife Nina lived here. Visit the man who saved Kongsvinger's old town!

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    Harald Aamodts skrivebord. Lisbeth A. Chumak
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    Ekteparet Aamodts fasjonable biedermeier-salong. Lisbeth A. Chumak
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    Nina og Harald Aamodt på bryllupsdagen Kongsvinger museum
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    Kirkeboka viser vigslene i menigheten, blant de lykkelige parene finner vi Harald og Nina Aamodt.
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    Nina og Harald Aamodts soverom i Aamodtgårdens loftetasje. Lisbeth A. Chumak
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    Husholdningen Aamodts kjøkken i tredje etasje Lisbeth A. Chumak/Kongsvinger museum
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    Aamodtgårdens fasade Kongsvinger museum

When Harald and Nina married in 1922, this flat was furnished for them. Not much has changed since then. Harald's uniform and walking stick are placed by the door, Nina's piano stands ready, as does her writing desk and embroidery nook, and his office. 

Harald Aamodt was passionate about the history of his town, and worked hard to save Øvrebyen, Kongsvinger's old town, from being torn down in the years after World War Two. He succeeded, but did not live to see it. As he and Nina had no children, the grand house was bequeathed to the museum when he passed in 1968. 

Due to the current pandemic, we are unable to schedule visits to this wonderful apartment this summer.

We can still arrange for a visit for small groups booked in advance. Contact us!

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2