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In 2013, Kongsvinger Museum moved its offices to Gyldenborg, a building right next to Kongsvinger Fortress.

In 2014, the exhibition "1814 - A Different Story" opened in the basement of Gyldenborg, and Kongsvinger Museum is now open all year around. Here, you also find our tourist information help desk, and the offices for all the museums in the area. In addition to Gyldenborg, Kongsvinger Museum consists of two other buildings: Skinnarbøl School Museum, and Aamodtgården, the protected home of a fortress dignitary. Aamodtgården was built in 1801, and is situated right across the road from Gyldenborg. The Women's Museum can be found in the same part of the town, only a stone's throw away from Gyldenborg.

  • 1/3
    Kontorinngangen til Anno Kongsvingerregionen vender mot den staselige festningen.
  • 2/3
    Gyldenborgs nordlige fasade vender mot den staselige festningen.
  • 3/3
    Slede fra slutten av 1700-tallet vist i utstillingen "1814 - En annen historie".
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2