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Skinnarbøl School Museum

Skinnarbøl School is situated right by the main road from Kongsvinger to Austmarka, one of the roads towards Finskogen and Sweden.

  • 1/6
    Elever nyter solskinnet utenfor Skinnarbøl skolemuseum.
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    Klasserom på Skinnarbøl skole
  • 3/6
    Skolebilde fra skoleåret 1943-44
  • 4/6
    Klasserommet er fullt av plansjer som ble brukt i undervisningen.
  • 5/6
    Skolebarna satt tett ved siden av hverandre på pultene.
  • 6/6
    Skinnarbøl skole er nå skolemuseum.

The old school in Skinnarbøl was built as one of the first permanent schools in the municipality of Vinger in 1862. When the school was closed and the pupils moved to the central school in Kongsvinger in 1964, there was no longer any need for the old school house, and it fell into disrepair.

After a show of force from the local history societies and Kongsvinger Museum, the old school house was opened as a museum in 1989. 

The school had two class rooms, one for the older pupils and one for the younger, as well as an apartment for the teacher with two rooms and a kitchen, all of it on one floor. The attic is unfurbished. Hardly any changes to the building have been made since it was first built.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2